Sail Fifteen - First Time on the Warrick River - July 22, 2001

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Dad and I went sailing to try out the new boat ramp on the Warrick River. The new boat ramp was great - good access, pretty deep water even at low tide, well protected and not too many other boats. I don't know why I forgot to take pictures of the boat ramp - next time.
It took some time to get to the James River from this boat ramp; about 30 minutes at 5 knots, but given the other advantages the extra time was Ok. I think for James River sailing this is our new boat ramp of choice.
The Warrick was a beautiful river. I enjoyed it very much. We took a few pictures but I don't think any of them did justice to the Warrick. On the western bank is Fort Eustis where the land appeared to be undeveloped. It was much prettier than the eastern bank with all of its manicured lawns and mansions. We sailed up to the ghost fleet which is much closer than it was from the Huntington Park ramp near the James River bridge. I didn't take any pictures since I had taken a lot on my last visit. Dad took quite a few pictures and the boats seem to bring back a lot of memories for him when he served on the "Blackbird." We fished a little with a new artificial bait but didn't have any luck.








We had a little bit of trouble finding the boat ramp as I thought that Denbigh Blvd intersected with I-64, it didn't. Next time, take the Oyster Point Road exit. We went back that way which worked out great!

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