Fourth Sail - James River to the Pagan River - January 7, 2001

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Sunrise as we are getting ready to leave.





Here we are approaching marker eight at the mouth of the Pagan River.



Osprey nest on the marker.




Dad has the tiller.




The route we took from the boat ramp (below right - we didn't turn on GPS for a few minutes so there is a gap).
Notice that there is a pretty straight line to the Pagan river - which is because of limited time we decided to motor over while winds were light. On the way back the wind had picked up and we were able to sail back at about six to seven miles per hour. Notice on the way back the three large tacks to the north. We had one great long leg of favorable wind an all in all a very satisfactory sail. The GPS said the total sailing distance was 19 miles at an average speed of 3.5 miles per hour.

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